Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brooks Saddles and Saddle Position

I've often said that if there was one perfect bicycle saddle we'd all be riding it. The truth of the matter is bikes are different, riders are different, riding positions are different, riding styles are different and guess what? Different saddles work better or worse for various folks. That said, if you hang out with high mileage folks you'll find a lot of them who swear by Brooks saddle. You'll probably find some that swear at Brooks saddles as well. As near as I can tell, neither group is 100% right or wrong.

Brooks are tensioned leather saddles. Sheldon Brown has a great article describing the great comfort virtues of leather saddles here. Sheldon notes, "A leather saddle, like a good pair of shoes or a baseball glove, softens with use, and molds itself to fit a particular person's shape." The unique comfort factor is what makes the saddle worth the expense, weight and break-in period. However, if you're a vegan, that dead cow thing may be a deal breaker for you. I totally expect some entrepreneurial vegan to start a company making a Brooks-style saddle made of tensioned rattan (or some other sustainable, eco-vegan substance) any day now. It's an untapped market.

What prompted me to write this piece, despite Sheldon's excellent article on leather saddles and his wise words on saddles in general, is that I wanted to call attention to the issue of saddle set-back. One of the virtues of Brooks saddles is their classic design, they have basically remained unchanged for decades. And there, my friends, literally, is the rub.

Brooks saddles were designed when bikes had much slacker seat tube angles than what is common today. My 1972 Peugeot PX-10 was considered "racy" in its day and it had a 72 degree seat tube angle. It was easy to get a Brooks saddle back far enough in relation to the bottom bracket for comfortable riding. A modern bike, say a Surly Long Haul Trucker, in the same 52 cm size as my PX-10 has a 73.5 seat tube angle. Basic trigonometry tells us that given the same seat post but a steeper seat tube angle, the clamp area is going to be further forward on the modern bike. Modern saddles have longer rails to address this issue but the classic design of the Brooks keeps it from moving back. And if the saddle is too far forward, you'll tend to sit on the metal frame rather than the tensioned leather and wonder why anyone could ever think a Brooks saddle is comfortable.

There are some solutions out there. Velo Orange makes the Grand Cru Seat Post specifically with this problem in mind. A Brompton Saddle Adapter Pin used with a straight post and a seat clamp allows even more adjustment but it's a more complex solution. Sella Anatomica makes a couple of changes to the classic Brooks design, adding a cutout to the leather and longer rails to address the set-back issue. Like Brooks saddles themselves, the Sella Anatomica saddles have received mixed reviews.

A comfortable saddle is key to enjoying your bicycle riding and a Brooks or other leather saddle might be just right for you. If you can get it on the right spot on your bike.

BTW, I've logged thousands of miles on Brooks saddles, having ridden them on PBP, BMB and various other brevets and tours. These days, my butt is totally happy on WTB saddles but your mileage may vary.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA

Monday, September 20, 2010

Duatlonul meu

Duatlon Cetatea Brasovului - editie a 3-a

Eu ii spun "duatlonul meu" pentru ca imi este clar ca e cea mai frumoasa competitie pentru mine, are o importanta aparte si de un an intreg astept marele event. La primele 2 editii am participat doar la stafeta dar anul aceasta "duatlonul" m-a convins sa ma apuc de alergat si sa particip singur. Dupa multe antrenamente a venit ziua cea mare ... pot sau nu pot ?
Nu am putut sa ma ascund si mi-am recunoscut din start ca nu sunt un alergator bun, asta o stie toata lumea... m-am apucat de alergat abia in primavara si lucrurile au mers bine, dar sunt constient nu pot sprinta si nu pot mentine o viteza buna pentru mult timp. Dar asteptam ca la proba de mtb sa recuperez pe cat posibil handicapul de la alergare.

Marea zi a sosit si in uralele multimii de suporteri pe care i-am avut prezenti am plecat alaturi de cei aprox. 200 de participanti in prima proba: cei 5 km inclinati de alergare...
Am plecat cam tare si m-am strecurat cat mai in fata dar dupa 200 de metri eram nevoit sa las baietii sa-si faca treaba. Curand Cata si Sica m-au devansat si spre disperarea mea nu puteam sa mentin ritmul lor, nici nu incepusem cursa bine si deja ma simteam resemnat. Dar mi-am scos repede din cap gandurile de genu' si mi-am inchipuit ca cu fiecare pas sunt mai aproape de bicicleta, unde sunt in elementul meu. Mare parte din alergare a fost anosta, pana la scari, aici am reusit sa depasesc cativa concurenti dar pana la final am avut ceva dureri de ficat. Pe Sica si Cata inca ii vedeam in fata dar departe, la 2 minute, tot indepartandu-se de mine... Plin de dureri si frustrari am ajuns in zona de tranzitie unde am mai pierdut ceva timp cu schimbatul papucilor (fara SPD-uri nu am nici o sansa).

Gata, mi-am luat bike-ul si parca de aici a inceput adevarata cursa. Am pus cadrul pe umar si am urcat scarile in graba, mirat ca mai sunt in stare... m-am urcat pe bike si am prins aripi. Stiu ca nu sunt cel mai grozav pe mtb dar sunt foarte convis ca nu exista nici un participant care sa cunoasca traseul la fel de bine ca mine (de 3 ani ma antrenez pe el si pur si simplu il ador, ii stiu toate secrete si obstacolele). Cred ca asta a fost marele meu avantaj, durerile au trecut si am depasit ca nebunul tot ce am prins si asta m-a facut sa ma simt si mai puternic. Pe Cata si pe Sica i-am ajuns pe catararea spre Gaboni si i-am lasat in urma, pe urcarea spre Saua Tampei am depasit multi concurenti care preferau sa impinga pe langa bike, iar din Sa totul a fost floare la ureche. Pe coborare am fortat mai mult ca deobicei si a meritat, inca 6 concurenti lasati in urma si parca aproape odihnit am ajuns din nou la adidasii de alergare.

Dupa cum ma asteptam chinul deabia de aici incepe, a doua alergare nu e ca prima, e lunga si mult mai inclinata, sau cel putin asa imi dictau muschii. M-au incercat carceii la gambe de vreo 4 ori si nu am mai putut forta aproape deloc pana la scari. Imi era frica ca tot ce castigasem pe bike o sa pierd din nou, dar totusi nu a fost chiar asa...distantele se marisera mult si rar mai vedeam vreun concurent in fata sau in spate. Pe scari am mers incet ca sa nu rist un carcel si a functionat, am reusit sa mai fortez putin pana in zona startului. Aici am avut parte de cel mai tare energizant posibil, un rand de incurajari frenetice de la suporterii mei care mi-au dat o ultima doza de energie pana la final.
Ultima suta de metri a fost cea mai spectaculosa, vedeam finishul si am uitat de toate durerile, asta e sentimentul pe care il asteptam de un an... asta nu poti cumpara niciodata cu un MasterCard !

Imediat dupa final aproape ca mi s-au blocat muschii, am observat ca am facut pana la bike (double snake bite) dar aveam un zambet pana la urechi. Locul 14 pana la urma, din totalul de 63. Pare bine, multumitor pentru mine dar la o mica analiza lucrurile sunt clare. Nu sunt un alergator...inca! Am pierdut enorm de mult pe alergare si mai ales pe a doua. Partea buna e ca am avut al 4-lea timp la mtb, ceea ce mi se pare incredibil. Una peste alta, sunt foarte multumit, dar pentru la anu obiectivele se schimba.

Asadar dupa un lung sezon, bike-ul meu e pe butuci, orgoliul meu e multumit... merit o vacanta! Maine plec in Cypru, fara mtb de data asta.

Multumesc suporterilor, lui Cata pentru poze, lui Liviu pentru incurajarea de pe coborarea de mtb, organizatorilor pentru tot efortul, si nu in ultimul rand fizioterapeutei mele pentru stie ea ce...

O parte din pozele nostre le gasiti aici:

Marius, Cata, eu si Em

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What We Wear Is What We Say

I normally don't think much about fashion, but William Gibson's brilliant novel Zero History has got me thinking about the functions of clothing and how it influences our experiences. When asked in a WIRED interview if he had ever wanted to wear a uniform, Gibson notes:
“When was I last out of one?” Gibson wrote. “The extent to which we are all of us usually in uniform brings to mind [Brian] Eno’s definition of culture: Everything we do that we don’t really need to. Pajama bottoms beneath a raincoat? Out of uniform. Jeans with one leg cut off? Out of uniform. Contracultural apparel disturbs us. Countercultures are intensely cultural. Bohemias have dress codes as rigid as those of merchant banks. We all read uniforms, constantly, whether we’re aware of it or not.
People who ride bicycles generally wear clothes and those clothes, for better or worse, are read constantly. Our clothes make statements and if you chose not to wear clothes you're really making a statement. Even when we think we're not making a statement ("I dress for function, not fashion") we're stating something. The people behind Momentum Magazine think a lot about fashion because they understand something of the power of fashion in our lives. "Normal" looking clothes can make cycling appear normal, fun clothes highlight fun, and so on.

My family and friends can attest to the fact that I'm not exactly the guy people look to for fashion advice. My main criteria for clothing selection has to do with how many pockets an item has and how well the fabric hides grease stains. My clothes project a certain Red Green aesthetic ("if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy") and strangers have been know to pick me out of a crowd when they are looking for someone who might be carrying a metric allen wrench.

On the Tour Divide this past summer, my local college jerseys (courtesy of Adrenaline Promotions) proved to be great conversation starters and I think the real cowboys in Wyoming (the ones who drive pickup trucks) were more inclined to think kindly of a biker in a Wyoming Cowboys jersey than if I'd been wearing the latest Euro-team kit. On my 2002 tour to Minnesota I crossed paths with a couple who credited their USA garb with making their trip much safer and more pleasant. There's probably some truth in their belief that even the worst bike-hating driver would think twice before honking at, buzzing by, or running down Old Glory.

This is probably about as much as I'll post on fashion, but there are many sites devoted entirely to what people wear while riding. A couple of interesting bike fashion sites are Velocouture and Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Burley Travoy Trailer: A Review

"Clever!" "Neat!" "I want one!" These are the kind of things people say when they first encounter the Burley Travoy. First off, let me get the disclaimer stuff out of the way. I get no kickback from Burley for this review and they didn't give me the trailer or anything. We have them for sale at the shop where I work, the Bicycle Center in Issaquah, and if we didn't think it was a good product we wouldn't bother having it in our store. And if you buy it from us, yep that does help keep me employed. Similarly, if you buy it from your local bike shop, you're helping keep those folks employed. And if you can't find one locally and buy it from Amazon using one of the links on this blog, a small percentage of your purchase price goes to me. We all clear on that? Good! On with the review.

When we got the Burley Travoy in the shop, I was one of those people saying "Clever, neat, I want one!" Burley describes the Travoy as a commuter trailer but I think it's better described as an errand trailer. While most bike commuters probably don't need to carry a trailer load of stuff on a daily basis, almost every cyclist encounters situations where the ability to carry large or awkward things would come in handy. While something like an XtraCycle, a Big Dummy or a Trek Transport can carry huge loads, many cyclists don't have the space or cash to devote to such large and lovely machines. If I was regularly hauling things like cylinders full of welding gas (hi Matt!) and didn't live in a second floor walk-up apartment, I'd totally be one of those cargo cult cyclists hauling hundreds of pounds of stuff on my big, long bike.

The Burley Travoy is designed to carry loads of up to 60 lbs (27 kg) and it's designed to carry stuff, not people. The Travoy is light (just under 10 lbs) and it folds up for storage. Folded, the Travoy fits in it's own cargo bag. Folding and unfolding is a very quick process -- the Travoy folds in thirds with a twist of the handle/latches and the wheels pop on and off with a push of a button. The Travoy can also function as a hand cart and it is narrow enough to roll through doorways.

The Travoy has many nice, clever touches. The small hitch mounts securely to the bike and a simple latch mechanism connects the trailer to the hitch. Spare hitches may be purchased for $30 so you can easily share the trailer between multiple bikes. Burley also makes a variety of bags that can be used with the Travoy and the trailer has many tie-down points. As a test, I strapped my folded Dahon D3 to the trailer as cargo and it worked fine. I also used the Dahon as the towing bike for the trailer. The stock hitch isn't sized for the large diameter seatpost of the Dahon but replacing the stock bolts with longer ones solved that problem. With a pair of folding bikes and this trailer you could, for example, meet a friend some place and then you both could ride off into the sunset. (Maybe I'm the only one who does things like that, but a trailer like this opens up interesting car-free possibilites. If I was younger and single that would totally be how I would date!)

The Travoy tows wonderfully. It tracks nicely behind the bike and handles well both empty and loaded. On the trip to the Trader Joe's a few miles from my house I get a mix of paved and gravel riding and if I'm in the mood I can get a bit of trail riding in as well. The Travoy handled the bumps and rough stuff well. 12" pneumatic tires and a flexy material near the hitch do a good job of damping vibration. What I think of as a big load of groceries fits easily into the Travoy bag.

There's a lot of plastic on the Travoy, but the trailer seems very solid. The latches all work smoothly and for it's intended use as an urban errand trailer, I can't really come up with anything I'd change about the design. If I was going to go on a cross country or round the world tour, I'd probably want something with beefier wheels, more metal and less plastic. Burley, if you're reading this and need a field tester for an adventure trailer with a design like the Travoy, let me know.

This isn't a long term test, we just got this trailer into the shop. So far, I'm very impressed. I've included some videos Burley made showing the Travoy in action and the link to Amazon includes some reviews there. If anybody out there has anything they wan't to add about the Burley, feel free to use the comment form here. If you're in Issaquah, stop by the Bicycle Center and check out the Travoy for yourself.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah, WA USA

Playbike On The Rocks

Sambata a avut loc minunatia ... Playbike On The Rocks pe Bunloc in Brasov, iar noi am fost prezenti ca spectatori si filmatori. Pot sa va zic doar ca am ramas cu gura cascata, evenimente ca acesta probabil ca nu o sa mai prind prea curand. Sunt invidios pe concurenti ...

Atmosfera perfecta, multa lume pe traseu si la finish, vremea superba, traseul incredibil, raider multi, muzica, show, elicoptere... nujt daca a lipsit ceva. Absolut perfect, bravo Playbike, bravo celor care s-au muncit la traseul acela si bravo concurentilor!

Fotografii gasiti aici: Picasa WebAlbums - PlayBike on the Rocks
Si mai jos un scurt movie din cat am apucat sa filmez pe traseu.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Promo Duatlon Cetatea Brasovului

Intr-o joi si intr-o vineri am iesit la shooting cu organizatorii Duatlonului de la Brasov si cativa prieteni, cu scopul de a incropi ceva imagini de pe traseul de mountainbike. Atmosfera a fost perfecta, ne-am distrat si am facut ce ne place mai mult - la vale si la deal pe mtb. Organizatorii si cei doi "filmatori" au fost foarte atenti la detalii si au dat dovada de un profesionalism rar intalnit. Am transpirat putin, am tras duble si de cate 20 de ori dar dupa o saptamana a venit si rezultatul.
Nu pot sa va explic ce sensatie am cand ma uit la promo, m-as uita de 1000 de ori si parca de fiecare data imi cresc aripi... Ard de nerabdare sa aud startul! Nu ma asteptam ca montajul si imaginile sa iasa atat de perfect, m-a lasat cu gura cascata. Promo-ul o sa fie difuzat si la tv in zilele urmatoarea dar nu stiu inca unde si cand.

Multumesc inca odata baietilor de la Cetatea Brasovului pentru invitatie si pentru munca pe care o depun pentru Duatlon: Max, Ovi, Vlad si restul echipei si bineinteles celor 2 filmatori Calin Manescu si Alex Munteanu. Bravo baieti!

Ne vedem la start: Aleea de sub Tampa, Brasov - 18 Septembrie 2010.

P.S. Cei care vor sa dea o mana de ajutor la concurs sunt asteptati pe 12
Septembrie Ora 15:00 in parculetul de langa Centrul de Agrement.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Playbike On The Rocks - petrecerea a inceput !

Petrecerea a inceput !

To the party!

Afterparty-ul oficial PlayBike – On The Rocks va avea loc Sâmbătă seara, începând cu orele 20:20 la Hala Săcele, în apropiere de Bunloc. De muzica petrecerii se vor îngriji DJ Tudorel din Baia Mare, unul dintre preferaţii riderilor, şi local hero DJ Lupu, cuscru al oldschool-ului. Fetele şi riderii au acces gratuit la petrecere, iar băietii plătesc 10 RON. În zona adiacentă a halei va avea loc un jam-session de dirtjumping invitaţional cu câţiva dintre cei mai buni rideri de profil din ţară, atât BMX-eri cât şi mountainbikeri. Deşi avem în minte o listă destul de clară a celor care se vor da la dirt Sâmbătă seara, îi respectăm pe toţi riderii şi nu dorim să excludem pe nimeni. Suntem perfect conştienti că zvonurile despre sesiunea de dirt au stârnit ceva vâlvă, deci am hotărât că cine doreşte neapărat să se dea la dirt pe set up-ul nostru, o poate face în cursul zilei de Vineri, când localnicii ii vor aştepta la hala pentru o zi mellow, ca-ntre prieteni. Dacă se va remarca vreun tânăr talent prin prestaţii aeriene deosebite, el poate primi din partea organizatorilor un wildcard pentru a participa la show-ul de Sâmbătă. Detalii despre accesul auto la Hala Săcele pe site-ul oficial